- Who are in this group?
- Mainly 1981 Bengal Engineering College pass out batchmates.
- Who are eligible to get benefits of this group?
- Criteria for B. E. College Alumni Association of 1981 Batch – Life membership (Valid for B E College (IIEST), Shibpur, Howrah 711 103), i) Admitted in 1976, AND/OR ii) Graduated in 1981.
- Who are the members?
- Each 1981 batchmate needs to fill up a form to get the membership and subsequently a membership number.
- What are the benefits after having membership?
- Mostly monetary that is stored at our bank.
- Where do I get membership form?
- Go the Legal documents page of the site and get it.
- What is the membership fee?
- No membership fee
- Where do I submit the form?
- You need submit it to President/ Secretary.
- What are the activities of the organization?
- Every 5 year Alumni meet or Reunion, Annual Picnic, Donation etc.